AnyDesk Cloud Connections

All connections are TCP and encrypted with:

  • TLS 1.2

  • RSA 2048bit

  • AES256

  • ECDH

  • AEAD

The following graphic shows you a remote session from an external support to user Y:



Outbound connections to AnyDesk Cloud servers on ports 80, 443 or 6568


Optional for sessions - if available direct connection between clients on port 7070


A direct connection is tried to port 7070 towards public IP address of user Y known by AnyDesk Cloud (also hole punching is tried at the same time).


If a direct connection (S1) cannot be established, a session over AnyDesk Cloud servers (S2) is established:

  • External support establishes new connection to the AnyDesk Cloud server where user Y is connected.

  • Data of session (S2) are then transferred:

    • External support over new connection to AnyDesk Cloud server

    • User Y over existing connection to AnyDesk Cloud server

Last updated