Request Package
If an application is not listed in the App Store or is in need of customization, a packaging request can be sent to Glück & Kanja.
For a package request you have to enter the package name, the version number and the intended users. There is also a comment field available for further notes.
Please provide the necessary binaries as well as all installation requirements and additional information. It is essential for in-time processing, that the request only contains the necessary binaries and a detailed installation guide.
After submitting the request information (please do not forget a contact email address if the requesting admin account does not have a monitored inbox. The requester is the first point of contact for any questions.), you will be able to upload your zip file containing the binaries. After the upload, a ticket will automatically be created and the packaging request will be handled by the Glück & Kanja staff.
When you have entered everything you need, click on Send Request. You can attach files to the request as soon as the request has been sent.
To prevent spam and unsolicited requests, if no file is attached, the request is not processed. In case of a file-less request, a dummy.txt file has to be attached.
Once the package is created, it will appear in the App Store. In the App Store, you have to subscribe to the package. Click here to read how to subscribe to a package.
Last updated