Internal Tasks

If a customer is interested in AnyDesk, the customer will need to send an email to glueckkanja-gab AG. GKGAB will contact AnyDesk to request a license and AnyDesk will provide login credentials for setting up custom clients. With these credentials, please set up the following:

User Client


2. Navigate to Files

3. Then click Create new custom AnyDesk client

4. The Customize AnyDesk window appears

5. Select Windows as Platform

6. Next enter a Filename and select Incoming connections only

7. Then select the following Options:

  • Disable settings

  • Disable address book

  • Disable TCP listen port

  • Automatically register alias

  • Access control list

    • Enter the namespace of your customer, start with an @.

    • For example: @companyname

8. Click Advanced and add the following settings:

  • Overwrite settings:

    ad.features.register_alias=true ad.ui.window_title=RealmJoin AnyDesk

  • Change default settings:

    ad.ui.cfg_enable_recording=false ad.ui.cfg_enable_audio=false

9. Next enter a Name of the configuration

10. Select Make download link publicly available

11. When you are done click Save

12. The Custom Client Details window appears

13. Copy or save the Public Download URL. You have to send this URL to your customer. The customer needs this URL for the RealmJoin Group Settings.

Supporter Client


2. Navigate to Files

3. Then click Create new custom AnyDesk client

4. The Customize AnyDesk window appears

5. Select Windows MSI as Platform

6. Next enter a Filename and

select Outgoing connections only

7. Select the following Options:

  • Disable address book

  • Disable TCP listen port

  • Assign to license

8. Click Advanced and set the following settings:

  • Overwrite settings:

    ad.anynet.register.add_to_namespace=true ad.license.permissions=0 ad.ui.comment_session=false


"ad.anynet.register.add_to_namespace" ensures that AnyDesk creates an alias for the supporter client with the customers namespace. The user client is then able to check if an access is allowed or not.

9. Next enter a Name of the configuration

10. Select Make download link publicly available

11. When you are done click Save

12. The Custom Client Details window appears

13. Copy or save the Public Download URL. You have to send this URL to your customer. The customer needs this URL for the AnyDesk Support Client Setup Launcher - Package Definition.

Last updated