
With the help of the notification feature it is possible to notify users and clients very quickly. Whether it is general information or important issues.


The notification menu shows all notifications that have been created. What the individual values and parameters in this overview mean is described in this article.

Group Setting

In order to use this feature Glück & Kanja has to enable this feature in Group Settings.

Create a new Notification

Only a RealmJoin Administrator can create a notification. Additionally, a known user group may be defined as Notification Agents to gain notification privileges.

To create a new notification click + Add Notification in the upper right corner of the notification menu.

The following window appears:


The first parameter you can choose is Category. Here you have the choice between Default, Info and Alert. Depending on what you choose, the color of the notification will change.

Start and End

Next, you need to specify when the notification should be published and when it should no longer be displayed. There are three values available for this configuration:

  • Date

  • Time UTC

  • Time offset

Target and Ignore

Then you can select which groups should receive your notification (Target) and which groups should not receive it (Ignore).

To choose a target, click Select groups under Target. A search box appears where you can search for groups.

To choose groups to be excluded from notifications, click Select groups under Ignore. A search box appears where you can search for groups.

In the following example, one group was selected as Target and one as Ignore:


Content is the main part of your notification. In the field Title you enter the title of the notification. In the field Body you enter the text of your notification.

Here is an example of a notification:

If you want to add translations to your notification, click Add Translation. A further content block with Language, Title and Body will appear.

In the field Language you enter an IETF language tag. For example de-DE.

In the field Title enter the German title of your notification and in the field Body a German translation of your English notification text.

Notification in Use

Once you have created your notification, the target groups will receive a notification at the scheduled time. This notification appears on the desktop of a client.

Last updated