Customer Tasks

If you are interested in AnyDesk, please send a request to glueckkanja-gab AG. GKGAB sends you two different URLs:

  • A user client URL

  • A supporter client URL

These URLs are important for the following configurations and settings:

AnyDesk Group Settings for User Client

Use a JSON policy to configure AnyDesk in the RealmJoin Group Settings. There are three different policies to configure AnyDesk.

The following JSON contains all configurations:

Key = Integration Value = { "AnyDesk" : { "Enabled" : true, "BootstrapperUrl" : "https://../.../AnyDesk.exe", "Ui": { "TrayMenuTextEnglish" : "Start remote session" } } }

The BootstrapperUrl is your user client URL.

It is also possible to split this single JSON from above, in three different JSON policies:

Key = Integration.AnyDesk.Enabled Value = true


Key = Integration.AnyDesk.BootstrapperUrl Value = "https://../.../AnyDesk.exe"


Key = Integration.AnyDesk.UI.TrayMenuTextEnglish Value = "Start remote session"

Back-End Integration

After you configure your user client, you will need to contact AnyDesk. Request an email containing your Contract ID, your License ID and your API Password. Send these IDs and the password to glueckkanja-gab AG. If you do so, GKGAB will integrate a AnyDesk API into your RealmJoin portal.

AnyDesk Supporter Client Setup Launcher

To allow a supporter to connect to a client, you have to provide the RealmJoin package "AnyDesk Supporter Client Setup Launcher" to your supporter:

For this assignment you need your supporter client URL.

Read our App Store article for details about package subscription and read our Software Packages article for details about package assignment.

The AnyDesk supporter client does not feature an integrated/automatic updater. Please set "Auto Upgrade" to "Enable" and update this RealmJoin package when a new version becomes available. This will replace the existing clients with the newest version available.

Start a Remote Session via RealmJoin Tray Menu

Get Elevated Rights

For special support scenarios, administrative rights will be needed. A normal remote session starts with standard rights. That requires to elevate the permissions:

Additional Sessions

When setting up AnyDesk for the first time, you will receive a single license from Glück & Kanja. This single license allows one remote session. Further simultaneous sessions by other supporters are not possible, additional licenses are necessary.

If you need more licenses, contact glueckkanja-gab AG for more details.

Last updated